CISM Half Marathon World Championships

CISM Half Marathon World Championships

From 27–30 October, the first ever CISM Half Marathon World Championships will be held in Switzerland. The Swiss CISM delegation is sending an innovative and strong signal to promote this sports discipline.

The long-standing and highly successful partnership with the integrated army category has strengthened the CISM Delegation Switzerland in its decision to host the first CISM Half Marathon World Championships as part of the SwissCityMarathon Lucerne
The breathtaking backdrop, the lively atmosphere among the participants and the enthusiastic support of the crowds of spectators, coupled with the first-class overall organization of the event, are additional convincing reasons in favor of the SwissCityMarathon.
The CISM Delegation Switzerland is looking forward to this joint project and is firmly convinced that the realization will create an unforgettable experience for the participating CISM nations.

Switzerland not only shows itself as one of the most active nations in terms of participation in and organization of sporting events, but also actively promotes sporting innovation and progress. The limited number of marathon events poses a challenge in selecting a CISM marathon competition, which in turn affects the participation of nations. Therefore, there is immense potential in holding a World Half Marathon Championship, as this distance is of interest not only to marathon runners, but also to long distance runners. Unlike a marathon, the recovery time after a half marathon is relatively short. This makes it possible for numerous first-class athletes to compete in the CISM World Championships after participating in major city marathons in the fall.

The current registration figures, with more than double the number of participating nations compared to the two previous marathon events, confirm this potential.

The officially measured and internationally recognized course in Lucerne promises a fast-paced and thrilling race right from the start. We expect the participation of about 250 athletes from more than 45 nations. The World Championship field will be sent out on the running course immediately before the official start of the SwissCityMarathon.